
These are the current programs I have available for 2019 / 2020.

* NEW* Comparing the Genealogy Big Four:  Ancestry, FamilySearch, FindMyPast, and MyHeritage
Everyone has heard of Ancestry, but there are some other big databases for genealogy research.  They all share search capabilities as well as have their own unique merits.  Learn “the good, the bad and the ugly” about the Big Four – Ancestry, FamilySearch, FindMyPast and MyHeritage.  Learning about these databases will help you target your research.  All of them have Library editions (free access) in addition to their subscriptions.

How I Use DNA in My Genealogy Research
In this presentation, I talk about “why” and “how” of DNA testing in genealogy research.  Using case studies and examples, I explain how I have incorporated DNA testing into my research.  Disclaimer:  This is NOT a primer on the science of DNA, although some basic information is included.  The audience does not have be knowledgeable about DNA testing to learn from this presentation.

Looking for European Roots
If you are ready to "cross the pond" in your research, this presentation will provide ideas of where to find records for European records.  Includes the well-known sites like FamilySearch and Find My Past, and also lesser known sites.

Read All About It!  Newspapers as Genealogical Resource  
Learn how to find and use newspapers to find information about your ancestors as well as the times they lived in. Some of the items to be found in newspapers includes obituaries, marriage and engagement announcements, birth announcements, legal cases, and ship passage information. We will learn how to find newspapers on line and in libraries and archives and cite your sources. Primer
This presentation will look at the site, including the Ancestry Trees, and review what is has to offer beginners as well as more advanced genealogy researchers.  It will also discuss what is available through the free site and the paid subscription.   Whether you are just starting out and want to host a tree at Ancestry, or have been researching for years but want more information on-line, this is the session for you. Primer
This seminar is an overview of the free web site to see what is has to offer genealogy researchers.  Will include a review of the research opportunities as well as the newer areas for sharing family trees and pictures.  We will also look at the genealogy programs that have been certified to share/interact with FamilySearch.

Genealogy Basics for Beginners
Target audience is folks interested in learning more about genealogy or just getting started.  Covers information needed to get started, basic forms and organization tips, overview of top web sites and other resources used by genealogists.

What's New on the Internet for Genealogists?  
There are new genealogy sites on the Internet every day.  This fast-paced presentation is a review of popular, new, little known, and perhaps unusual genealogy resources on the internet to help you in your research.

Research Your Family History Using the Internet 
Ready to start your genealogy research on-line but do not know where to go except Caron Primas Brennan will show you the basics as well as some other little known, and perhaps unusual genealogy resources and internet sites to help you in your research.

Where Did I Put Great-Grandpa?  Organizing for Genealogists
Organizing your genealogy information so that you can find what you want when you want it can be a daunting task.  Get tips on how to keep records in digital and print-based formats. 
A more in-depth tour focusing on We review of available documents and resources, many military and governmental, digitized from the National Archives, Library of Congress, and other institutions, not previously available on-line. Also includes a tour of the tools available on the site and how to use resources found on the site.

Uff Da!  Researching My Norwegian Roots
Caron will share what she has learned through researching her own elusive Norwegian great-grandparents and discovering cousins in Scandinavia.  She will discuss things to know, lessons learned, research locations and guides, and other helpful hints.

Travels with My Sister:  Genealogical Journeys
Part travelogue, part how-to for traveling to do genealogical research.

All programs are 1 to 1 ½ hours long and geared to the beginning and intermediate researcher.  A projector is required and an internet connection (preferably wireless) is desired.  Caron can bring her own laptop or use yours.  Handouts are available for each program.